Monday, January 11, 2010

Internship #3

Project Ideas

1. What skills would you like to develop at your site?
-Teaching skills, creativity, public speaking, designing my own lessons, and working with children on simple tasks.

2. What interests do you have regarding the work done at your site?
-I find it very entertaining and it's something I enjoy to do. It's interesting for me to teach children things that they'd find useful to learn and could help them in the future.

3. What needs can you address (needs your mentor has, your company has, etc.) based on your skills and interests?
-Bilingual teachers, more things to learn, more content.
  • What my mentor and I are planning to work on for my project is a Spanish lesson for the kids in her class. I will be teaching them simple Spanish vocabulary, reading them Spanish children books, and help them develop their Spanish writing, reading, speaking, and understanding so they could later do their own short story in Spanish based on the vocabulary they learned; similar to what my group had to do for a project in Spanish class in 9th grade.

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